1200 Series Fixed
Fixed WindowFrame Depth (inches) 3.25
Description Architectural grade fixed window system mulls to 3-1/4" fixed and operable products.
U-Value0.35 - 0.57
AAMA RatingAW-PG120
Test Size (inches)60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.01
Water Resistance (psf)12.11
Design Pressure Positive (psf)120.30
1200 Series Fixed Offset
Fixed WindowFrame Depth (inches) 3.25
Description Architectural grade fixed window system mulls to 3-1/4" fixed and operable products. Offset lites simulate the appearance
of a hung window.
U-Value0.37 - 0.46
AAMA RatingAW-PG70
Test Size (inches)60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.01
Water Resistance (psf)12
Design Pressure Positive (psf)70
2000 Series Single Hung
Hung WindowFrame Depth (inches) 3.25
Description A versatile 3-1/4" single hung window with security/vandal screen capabilities. Radius tops and arches available.
U-Value0.40 - 0.61
Test Size (inches)60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.20
Water Resistance (psf)10.03
Design Pressure Positive (psf)45.11
Blast Resistant - B2200H Series Double Hung
Hung WindowFrame Depth (inches) 4.0
Description Blast resistant architectural grade 4" double hung window
Test Size (inches)49.75 x 67.75
Condition/Hazard ResponseLow
Design Blast Pressure (psi)6.2 psi
Positive Phase Impulse (psi-msec)42 psi-msec
Test MethodASTM F 1642
GT0200 Series Horizontal Slider
Horizontal Sliding WindowFrame Depth (inches) 4.0
Description Advanced design thermal strutted architecural grade horizontal sliding window that mulls to 4” frame fixed and operable products.
U-Value0.32 - 0.45
AAMA RatingAW-PG60
Test Size (inches)150 x 79
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.12
Water Resistance (psf)12.11
Design Pressure Positive (psf)60.15
GT2200 Series Double Hung
Hung WindowFrame Depth (inches) 4.0
Description Advanced design thermal strutted architecural grade double hung window that mulls to 4” frame fixed and operable products.
U-Value0.36–0.41 (Historic Profile) 0.30–0.35 (Flat Profile)
AAMA RatingAW PG55
Test Size (inches)60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.26
Water Resistance (psf)12
Design Pressure Positive (psf)55/90
GT2200 Series Single Hung
Hung WindowFrame Depth (inches) 4.0
Description Advanced design thermal strutted architectural grade single hung window that mulls to 4” frame fixed and operable products.
U-Value0.35 - 0.44
AAMA RatingAW-PG50
Test Size (inches)60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.18
Water Resistance (psf)12.11
Design Pressure Positive (psf)50.13 / 70.18
GT2500 Series Double Hung
Hung WindowFrame Depth (inches) 4.5
Description A double hung with side-load sash commercial window for monumental sizes. Block and tackle heavy-duty balances up to 120 lbs. per sash.
U-Value0.38 - 0.40
AAMA RatingAW-PG60
Test Size (inches)60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.27
Water Resistance (psf)12
Design Pressure Positive (psf)60.15
HIGT2200 Series Single Hung
Hung WindowFrame Depth (inches) 4.0
Description Hurricane resistant thermal strutted architectural grade single hung window that mulls to 4” frame fixed and operable products. Sash easily removes from frame for cleaning. Thermal strut for enhanced thermal performance.
Test Size (inches)50 x 90
Water Resistance (psf)12.11
Design Pressure Positive (psf)70
Design Pressure Negative (psf)90
Large MissleMeets
Small MissleMeets
Frame Depth (inches) 3.25
Description Hurricane resistant architectural grade single hung window.
Test Size (inches)55 x 96 / 98 x 80 (twin)
Water Resistance (psf)10
Design Pressure Positive (psf)60/56
Design Pressure Negative (psf)80/70
Large MissleMeets
Small MissleMeets (excl. twin)
Frame Depth (inches) 4.0
Description Double hung window for hurricane-impact resistance.
Test Size (inches)48 x 102
Water Resistance (psf)9.75
Design Pressure Positive (psf)45
Design Pressure Negative (psf)65
GlassSingle Lami / Single Lami & IG / IG
Large MissleMeets
S1400H Fixed Offset
Fixed WindowFrame Depth (inches) 4.0
Description This fixed window system mulls to fixed and operable products
of the same frame depth.
AAMA RatingAW-PG115
Test Size (inches)60 x 106
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.03
Water Resistance (psf)15.04
Design Pressure Positive (psf)120.30
SR6700 Series Steel Replica Casement
Casement WindowFrame Depth (inches) 3.25
Description The SR6700 steel replication window is designed to replicate the original steel windows used in many buildings. Available in fixed, projected and casement configurations. The innovative SR6700 Series window features a “floating vent”, large openings and minimal sight lines.
U-Value0.42 - 0.50
AAMA RatingCW-PG90
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.03
Water Resistance (psf)12.11
Design Pressure Positive (psf)90.23
Uniform Load Structural (psf)135.34
SR6700 Series Steel Replica Fixed
Fixed WindowFrame Depth (inches) 3.25
Description The SR6700 steel replication window is designed to replicate the original steel windows used in many buildings. Available in fixed, projected and casement configurations. The innovative SR6700 Series window features a “floating vent”, large openings and minimal sight lines.
U-Value0.28 - 0.37
AAMA RatingAW-PG110
Test Size (inches)60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.01
Water Resistance (psf)12.11
Design Pressure Positive (psf)110.28
SR6700 Series Steel Replica Projected
Projected WindowFrame Depth (inches) 3.25
Description The SR6700 steel replication window is designed to replicate the original steel windows used in many buildings. Available in fixed, projected and casement configurations. The innovative SR6700 Series window features a “floating vent”, large openings and minimal sight lines.
U-Value0.43 - 0.51 | 0.37-0.44 (Fixed w/ Floating Vent)
AAMA RatingCW-PG100
CW-PG40 (Fixed w/ Floating Vent 93 x 98)
CW-PG40 (Fixed w/ Floating Vent 93 x 98)
Test Size (inches)60 X 36
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.01
Water Resistance (psf)12.11
Design Pressure Positive (psf)100.25
SR6800 Series Fixed
Fixed WindowFrame Depth (inches) 3.375
Description New and improved highly energy efficient commercial window with a historic window profile. The SR6800 incorporates European thermal strut technology for optimum thermal efficiency and low U-values. Achieving an AAMA AW rating with minimum air infiltration, high water resistance and impressive design pressures.
AAMA RatingAW-PG100
Test Size (inches)60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)<0.01
Water Resistance (psf)15.04
Design Pressure Positive (psf)±100.25
SR6800 Series Outswing Casement
Casement WindowFrame Depth (inches) 3.375
Description New and improved highly energy efficient commercial window with a historic window profile. The SR6800 incorporates European thermal strut technology for optimum thermal efficiency and low U-values. Achieving an AAMA AW rating with minimum air infiltration, high water resistance and impressive design pressures.
AAMA RatingAW-PG85
Test Size (inches)36 x 60
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)0.08
Water Resistance (psf)12.11
Design Pressure Positive (psf)±85.21

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