GT2500 Series Double Hung
Hung Window
Frame Depth (inches) 4.5
Description A double hung with side-load sash commercial window for monumental sizes. Block and tackle heavy-duty balances up to 120 lbs. per sash.
- Applications
- Commercial
- Education
- Historic Replication
AAMA Rating
Test Size (inches)
60 x 99
Air Infiltration (cfm/ft2)
Water Resistance (psf)
Design Pressure Positive (psf)
Uniform Load Structural (psf)
0.38 - 0.40
The air infiltration and water resistance performance values provided above were achieved in a controlled lab environment. Performance of our products in the field will vary depending on product configurations, installation methods, and ambient conditions. AAMA 502 “Voluntary Specification for Field Testing of Newly Installed Fenestration Products” should be adhered to for testing installed products.

Standard Features
- Block & tackle balances for superior operation
- Mulls to 4 1/2" frame fixed and operable products
- Sash easily removes from frame for maintenance & cleaning
- Sash bypass one another for ease of cleaning (using sweep-lock option)
- Removable take-out clips to prevent unauthorized sash removal (B/T balance)
- Full-length extruded lift handles
- Exterior-beveled (putty) glazing leg
Optional Features
- Overhead pulley balanced sash
- Applied-profile muntin grids
- Dual-glazed split sash to permit high-performance glazing combinations
- Extruded automatic sill latches
- High-performance balances up to 120 lbs. per sash
- True colonial muntins
- White bronze hardware
- Simulated (fixed) double hung for historic applications
- Dual finish (two-tone color) option
Technical Data
Product Literature
Additional Resources
GT2500 DH AW-PG60 OHP CSI Spec
Thermal Summary
CAD Drawings
GT2500 All CAD Drawings - ZIP File
Installation Guide
Hung Window Installation Manual
Accessory Installation Guides