Graham Co-Sponsors Continuing Ed Course in Architectural Record
February 15, 2017

Graham Architectural Products is proud to be co-sponsor of a continuing education course in the February, 2017, issue of Architectural Record.
The course – titled “What’s New in Fenestration?” – provides an informative overview of various fenestration products and empowers those taking the course to make smarter decisions in the product selection process for renovation, green buildings and other designs.
Upon completion, students will find themselves better able to understand energy ratings and certifications of window and fenestration systems as defined by national programs suitable for all buildings.
In addition, students will be able to assess and compare the energy performance and other attributes of fenestration systems, while having a more complete knowledge of different fenestration components, including frame materials, glazing, and spacers.
Finally, the course explores different types of fenestration products that combine multiple components to achieve overall performance and aesthetic results.
Graham, a longtime supporter of continuing education, offers a wide selection of AIA accredited courses. Find more information here.